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Daria, on styling vintage clothing

During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books, watching documentaries, following Instagrammers and YouTubers, I decided to visit people who are professionally engaged in a sustainable lifestyle. By taking pictures and a little interview, I want to share the stories from these inspirational humans.

Remember Daria?

On this blog there's already a post with Daria's vision about Fast Fashion vs Slow Fashion.

But there's more: Daria is the queen of styling vintage clothing and she loves to share some tips.

(Scroll down for Daria's story)

Daria about styling fashion:

'Styling and fashion are highly individual processes. That’s why it is super hard to give you guys tips on how to style vintage clothes. Next to a lot of other ways, we express ourselves through the way we dress. What’s important is to not follow any fashion rules the fashion industry, huge fashion companies and designer tell you to! You can check out their styles and pick what you like from it (or not).

But the dictating of fashion and style is exactly what promotes fast fashion and generating profit by telling people how to be cool and showing them consequences of what happens if they do not follow their fashion rule. Which, in conclusion, makes fast fashion and designers of luxury fashion brands HUGE BULLIES! '

Mix it up!

'The good thing, maybe the best, about vintage clothing is that you can get inspired by looks from so many different decades to create a unique look of your own. You can go all 70’s or mix a wild 60’s meets 90’s look.

I have pieces in my shop no one was interested in for quite some time, but then one day comes the perfect person for that special piece of clothing and says: This is exactly what I was looking for! '

Fatphobia in fashion:

'One last point I want to outline is vintage and sizing.

As you probably know, the clothing sizes of e.g. the 60’s and 70’s were completely different than the ones we have today; and a lot, lot smaller. So, a big problem is that vintage fashion often excludes sizes and therefore bodies that don’t match those conformed by the norm.

The consequence are reproduction of standardised bodies and the ongoing problem of erasing human beings who, literally, don’t fit in. Fatphobia in fashion is a huge thing and vintage isn’t free of it! At all!

Luckilly, there are amazing human beings out there, creating content against fatphobia in the vintage world by serving you fatvintagefashion at its finest. Accounts like @everybodybeautystandard, @ahead_of_the_curve_vvf, @hi.ur.beautiful and @fashionchangers, make sure to provide a counterbalance to the standardized 'norm'.

That’s it from me, your GoldenGirl in the world of vintage! '

You can find Daria's curated collection of vintage clothing on Etsy as GoldenGirlClothing and on Instagram as @goldengirl_vintage.

Thank you, dear Daria, for the interesting talk and the fun photoshoot!


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