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New York Portraits: Felicia

De aprilse grillen gaan hier nog even door: it weekend konden we doen alsof het zomer was en vandaag krijgen we 'Flash Flood Warnings' en ben je doorweekt na één minuutje buiten staan...

Gelukkig kon ik vrijdag samen met Felicia van de lente-bloesems en tropische tuinen van de Brooklyn Botanic Garden genieten!

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

Felicia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (c) Silvie Bonne

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