Daria, on styling vintage clothing
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...
Zero Waste Ravioli with a Banana Twist, by Giorgia
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...
#meiplasticvrij - 62 zero waste swaps
Since a couple of years, I'm much more aware of my consumption habits and the impact on nature. Last year, the #meiplasticvrij campaign...
Daria about How To Avoid Fast Fashion
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...
Zero Waste, Plant Based and Super Simple Recipes
I am not vegan, but I have been mostly vegetarian since I was 15 (which means for 29 years?!?). What started as a solidarity action with...
Zero Waste and Plant Based Cooking with Coco
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...
Antje about Zero Waste Natural Cosmetics and No Poo
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...
Top 10 Eco Friendly Coffee Bars in NYC
Koffie is altijd een goed idee. Zeker als je een bezoek brengt aan NYC, The City That Never Sleeps. ;) New York is heeft dan ook de grootste