Zero Waste and Plant Based Cooking with Coco
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...

One location, two photographers
'One location, two photographers' is not only a great way to discover a new photo location, but also a nice way to get creative....

Antje about Zero Waste Natural Cosmetics and No Poo
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...

One location, two photographers
'One location, two photographers, is a super fun project, in which I go shooting and experimenting with a colleague photographer. I...

One location, two photographers
'One location, two photographers' is an ongoing project, which is not only a great way to discover a new photo location, but also a nice...

Berlin Portrait
Before the lockdown, I had the honor to do a portrait session with the lovely Bridget, aka Hunter Bailie. We did a little Berlin Walk to...

Studio Wittenau
Het Wittanau metro station is niet enkel een van de vele mooie, grafische Berlijnse metrostations, maar is ook de inspiratie voor Studio...

Yin Yang in Brugge
Voor YinYangAnn mocht ik deze zomer een aantal beelden in de mooie Brugse straten en parken maken. Ann haar kleurrijke verschijning...

Eén locatie, twee fotografen
Instagram is voor mij een zeer inspirerende plaats. Sinds we verhuisden naar New York ben ik Instagram écht als 'Social Medium' gaan...

Eén locatie, twee fotografen
'Eén locatie, twee fotografen', is een fijn project om terug even helemaal in experimenteer modus te gaan. Niets moet, alles kan....