OPROEP | 50 x 50
Binnen twee jaar word ik 50. En dat wil ik vieren — met een fotoproject. ❤️ Ik ben op zoek naar 50 vrouwen van 50 . Vrouwen geboren in...

Spotlight on Julian Lampert: Composer and Concert Pianist
Today's “In The Picture” features Julian Lampert : Composer, Concert Pianist & Versatile Virtuoso. The portrait shoot with Julian took...

Het Belang van Spontane Portfolio Foto's voor Beginnende Modellen en Acteurs en Actrices
Als je je eerste stappen zet in de wereld van modellenwerk of acteren, dan kan je portfolio een sleutelrol spelen. Gelukkig hoeft dat...

Kortrijkse organisatie in de kijker
Een bijzondere, Kortrijkse, organisatie in de kijker.

Daria, on styling vintage clothing
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...

Zero Waste Ravioli with a Banana Twist, by Giorgia
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...

Daria about How To Avoid Fast Fashion
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...

Pink blossom adventures
Two weeks ago, I went on a pink adventure with Olga. We went to see the Sakura Cherry Trees, at the TV Asahi Cherry Avenue, and they...

Zero Waste and Plant Based Cooking with Coco
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...

One location, two photographers
'One location, two photographers' is not only a great way to discover a new photo location, but also a nice way to get creative....