Saving food is the new way of shopping
Did you know that 18 million tons of food are wasted in Germany every year? That corresponds to a truck load per minute! According to...
Low Waste Food Challenge
This week, I did a 'Low Waste Food Challenge' with Coco. We challenges each other every other day, to make a dish with as little waste as...
Daria, on styling vintage clothing
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...
Zero Waste Ravioli with a Banana Twist, by Giorgia
During my zero waste journey, I try to learn as much as possible, from as many as possible different people. Next to reading books,...
#meiplasticvrij - 62 zero waste swaps
Since a couple of years, I'm much more aware of my consumption habits and the impact on nature. Last year, the #meiplasticvrij campaign...
Gentse Photoshoot Walk
Een fotoshoot in Gent, om een 30-jairge vriendschap te vieren? Wat een schitterend idee van Chantal en Ann! Samen gingen we op foto-pad,...